We welcome KATLA!

We welcome KATLA!

We're extremely excited to welcome our latest signing to our label - KATLA

"In the depths of scandinavian dens and caves a great dragon has slumbered. Katla, the danish doom trio from Copenhagen manifests the darkness within us through their heavy-hitting, riff-worshipping blackened sludgedoom. With only just over a year of existence, Katla has taken the danish underground metalscene by storm and are determined to keep marching on their unholy crusade. 

With a singing drummer and bassist the trio adds an unusual experience in an otherwise quite rigid genre. Katla takes no prisoners. You're hereby invited to a heathen-satanic experience with heavy riffage, no fucks given-attitude and heaps of love".

We'll be releasing their upcoming album "Warmongering Luciferians" October 2020 on limited edition vinyl. First half of the album is already available on Spotify.

Pre-orders on the vinyl will be coming soon!